Because otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are generated by processes inside the cochlea, they have played an important role in non-invasive measurement of hearing status. Most OAE measurements in humans have been mostly limited to the middle frequency range, leaving us without thorough studies on human auditory physiology in the extended high frequency ranges of hearing. My work has focused on overcoming this limitation. My innovative approaches to enable collection of extended high-frequency OAEs measurements include the use of custom software that overcome limitations of current hardware. Calibration of extended high-frequency sound stimuli has been another technical limitation preventing our field from thoroughly assessing the extended high-frequency range of human auditory physiology. Newer calibration techniques have been proposed to overcome this limitation, and I have worked with several prominent researchers in this area, along with PhD students in my lab, to develop solutions. The methods used in our custom software are described in some of our publications.


Stiepan S, Goodman SS, Dhar S. (2022). Optimizing distortion product otoacoustic emission recordings in normal-hearing ears by adopting cochlear place-specific stimuli. J Acoust Soc Am., 152(2):776.

Goodman SS, Lewis JD, Mertes IB, and Weissbeck DK (2013) Medial olivocochlear-induced transient-evoked otoacoustic emission amplitude shifts in individual subjects. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 7, 125-139.

Scheperle RA, Goodman SS, and Neely ST (2011) Further assessment of forward pressure level for in situ calibration. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(6), 3882-3892.

Keefe DH, Goodman SS, Ellison JE, Fitzpatrick DF, and Gorga MP (2011) Detecting high-frequency hearing loss with click-evoked otoacoustic emissions. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(1), 245-261.