Understanding Generation Mechanisms of Short-Latency OAE Components

My research using Transient-Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions measurements required the development of novel techniques that, unexpectedly, lead to the discovery that packets of energy that can occur much earlier in time than anticipated.

Measurement and Application of Efferent Reflexes

Auditory efferent reflexes (medial olivocochlear and middle-ear muscle) alter peripheral sound processing. These reflexes may improve hearing in background noise and provide some protection from noise-induced hearing loss.

Assaying the Cochlea using Extended High-Frequency OAE's

Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are generated by processes inside the cochlea, and they play an important role in non-invasive measurement of hearing status. Measuring OAEs at extended high frequencies presents special challenges but also potential benefits.

Creation of a software package for auditory research

The custom software package, Auditory Research Lab audio software (ARLas), that I developed for making measurements in the auditory periphery is well-suited especially for measuring OAEs, compound action potentials, auditory brainstem responses, the Auditory Nerve Overlapped Waveform, and reflectance measurements.